Sunday, August 3, 2014

A Piece of Encouragement

Encouragement: something that makes someone more determined, hopeful, or confident. It seems however that these days encouragement isn't too easy to come by. We live in a world over-run by criticism, hate, and jealousy. I was inspired to write this piece after hearing about a friend who recently took a leap of faith and moved to the big, ferocious New York City in search of a job. He told me about getting on the subway, going about his daily routine when he noticed a frightened passenger and struck up a conversation. The passenger told him that he was en route to a job interview, and desperately was hoping to snag it because he had just moved there without a job. My friend told him he had done the same, and that the cards had fallen into place and that everything would work out for him as well. The passenger felt encouraged, and got off the train with an extra spring in his step and a boost of confidence that isn't often come by in the big apple.

How different would the world be if we encouraged each other more often? Rather than live in the mindset many of us were taught in elementary school to "only worry about ourselves," but instead to worry about one another and build each other up and encourage others to do our very best, and believe in one another. Personally, I believe in myself whole heartedly that I can accomplish whatever I set my mind to because I was raised with that mantra. However, when I know someone else is rooting for me and they can see me from a different perspective, I feel more confident than ever before to take on the world.

We are not all enemies, and not everyone is in competition with you. Life is not a competition, it is not about achieving that sacred CEO position, it is not about becoming a millionaire, or finally being able to afford that sports car. We are here. This is life, this is all we get and we should cherish every single inch of it. When you stop seeing others as competitors and life as a game, you begin to enjoy it and can see other as fellow bits of stardust on this journey through time, and then you can pull back the curtain and love and encourage one another.

My challenge to you, think more positively about people; your family, friends, and that stranger taking too long in line ahead of you at Starbucks. Pass on a word of encouragement to someone you know facing a challenge, or simply someone beside you in the rat race.

With peace,


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