Saturday, August 2, 2014

The First Piece

Bear with me, I am not a writer, nor a blogger. Just a girl with too many thoughts endlessly swirling through my head and unable to process them, on a jog today I became inspired. Not the kind of inspired where you wake up with a clear picture of some Einstein idea like why an apple falls from a tree, but more the kind of inspiring feeling of being able to promote something. And that is peace, plain and simple. A kind of centuries old wish to promote world peace, but a piece is missing; that piece is how to make it tangible.

I was inspired on my run (we can call it a run but more of a slow and limpy jog), by many things. One sees the world from a different perspective while running. I notice the blue skies, the lizards running as to not be stepped on, the hot (and humid) breeze, the patter of my feet hitting the sizzling pavement. But I also notice how running past pedestrians while I make eye contact and smile or nod, they snap their heads away and stare as if I don't exist. What puzzled me most was jogging past a fellow runner who tried his best as to keep his eyes fixed on his destination. Maybe the world is too busy looking for a destination that we forget to remember the journey and the experience, and to enjoy all the little pieces.

If you catch my drift, the way to peace is through personal connection and little pieces that we as humans can do to take a step closer. My hope and purpose is through the spread of positive ideas and "pieces" of peace, we can all make a difference someone's day or their life. Noticing things that can be changed or improved is my first step in the journey. Join me hand in hand in this, as I share stories of my experiences and tumbling thoughts and opinions mixed around with whatever is currently on my mind in finding the little pieces of creating peace.

I leave you know with the scroll hanging above my bed, my favorite, that inspires me daily.

With peace,


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